For those that are interested in joining the Transit Garden you may do so in the spring of each year. Stick us on your blog roll, bookmark us, or put us in your RSS feed for future updates and posts. In the interim, here are the rules*, regulations and guidelines of the garden for your review and enjoyment!
Table of Contents1. General Regulations
2. Community Use Tools
3. Pets
4. Member Responsibilities
5. Key Holder Responsibilities
Regarding general regulations:
- Enjoy the plants and flowers, do not pick.
- Non-members welcome with a garden member.
- Food & beverages permitted, but take your food garbage when you go.
Regarding community use tools:- Borrow and return all garden tools to storage shed. Garden tool donations are always welcome.
Regarding Pets:
- Dogs allowed on short leash. If others are in the garden, be considerate, check with their doggy comfort-level. Please remember to clean up after your pet.
- Children are welcome, but please supervise them. No picking flowers, pulling out plants, throwing dirt, etc.
Regarding member responsibilities:
- Regularly water, weed & maintain your individual planter.
- Help us water and weed the community stone planters.
- Help us keep the whole garden clean, use community trash bin, always use trash bag liner. refills in shed.
- Trash loves our garden and blows in daily. Please help us keep the garden clean, pick up any garbage inside & directly outside garden fence/gate.
- Double check, is the water OFF?.
- Lock the garden properly when leaving, interlocking both locks.
Regarding Key Holder responsibilities:Do not give your keys to others without notifying the group. The garden is the property of the Transit Authority and provides access to their substation facility as well. In our lease, the MTA asks that only garden members be given a key.
When the last member leaves. The gate should be chained and locked until another member arrives. The garden is open to the full community whenever a member with a key has opened it and is inside working or enjoying it. However, when the member with a key leaves, it is their responsibility to lock the gate. Therefore all non key holders who are in the garden must leave at that time so that the garden can be properly locked.
If anything is confusing please, let us know.
*Rules as emailed 4/28/09 by Vicki Devor, Subject: Transit Garden Rules- please read. Edited for post by Jacob Roland